Jeremiah 26
Jeremiah 26:2-3 Father, help me never to pick and choose which of Your requirements I will obey. Help me to heed every word that You have spoken.
Jeremiah 26:4 Thank You, merciful God, for the many “second chances” You have given me, just as You gave the people of Judah many second chances.
Jeremiah 26:12 Help me to speak the truth. Lord, even when it’s hard, as it was so often for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 26:19 Father, help me to learn from the examples of Your obedient servants, like Hezekiah.
Jeremiah 26:24 God, help me to speak bravely in defence of the righteous.
Hebrews 12
Hebrews 12:1-3 Let your mind’s eye see this huge crowd of witnesses, encouraging you and cheering you on as you run your race. Hear them as you run toward Jesus, who started you on the race and who stands at the finish line.
Hebrews 12:7-9 Father, I know that Your discipline always arises from Your love for me, and that it is always for my good. So forgive me, I pray, when I miss the point or run and complain when You discipline me.
Hebrews 12:12-14 Pray that God will strengthen you as you take a new grip on your faith and plant your feet firmly on the path of a clean, holy, and peaceable life.
Hebrews 12:16 Lord, give us the foresight and self-discipline to avoid Esau’s fate. Help us not to give up eternal goals in order to enjoy the table of temporary pleasures that sometimes tempt us.
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